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Price List


Distant Property Healing


Do you live in a happy, peaceful home? Or does it feel sad and stressful?

Once my work is complete the energy in your home will be in harmony.


How much does it cost to have a Distant Property Healing?

Initially free of charge on all enquiries, I request clients to email a rough floor plan of their property to me, with their name and address applied and I will provide an overall check on the energy, from -5 (non beneficial energies/geopathic stress) to +5 (good energy).  I map dowse to find the geopathic stress, geomagnetic and geopsychic levels and assess the removal and rebalancing of the energies from past and present occupants and earthbound souls - all of which can affect the energy level within a property. 

My fees vary depending on the size of the property and the work involved.  A quote will be given when I have seen the plans and as a general guide a small flat or 2/3 bedroomed property will be from £195. 



Distant Energy Healing


Once their property is rebalanced, most clients take the opportunity of rebalancing their own energies to the maximum potential at the same time. 


If a personal healing session is requested at the same time as the property, it is a reduced price of £50.


Personal Distant Healing fee without a property is £75.







 "We are indebted to Sandra for her special healing work. At our lowest point we were unable to sleep in our house, our relationship was endangered, our health very poor and our financial situation seemed truly hopeless. Sandra did healing work for ourselves and our house and we noticed the improvements immediately. Sandra's advice is simple and yet extremely effective if taken seriously. All aspects of her help have proven of long-term value, and when we recently asked for Sandra's assistance in enabling a harmonious sale of our house, we were delighted to be able to sign the contract within 4 weeks of her work. We can wholeheartedly recommend Sandra's healing work!"

-Mr & Mrs Lauren, Germany


Read more testimonials for Sandra - click here


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Phone:  07710 618680


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