Price List
Distant Property Healing
Do you live in a happy, peaceful home? Or does it feel sad and stressful?
Once my work is complete the energy in your home will be in harmony.
How much does it cost to have a Distant Property Healing?
Initially free of charge on all enquiries, I request clients to email a rough floor plan of their property to me, with their name and address applied and I will provide an overall check on the energy, from -5 (non beneficial energies/geopathic stress) to +5 (good energy). I map dowse to find the geopathic stress, geomagnetic and geopsychic levels and assess the removal and rebalancing of the energies from past and present occupants and earthbound souls - all of which can affect the energy level within a property.
My fees vary depending on the size of the property and the work involved. A quote will be given when I have seen the plans and as a general guide a small flat or 2/3 bedroomed property will be from £195.
Distant Energy Healing
Once their property is rebalanced, most clients take the opportunity of rebalancing their own energies to the maximum potential at the same time.
If a personal healing session is requested at the same time as the property, it is a reduced price of £50.
Personal Distant Healing fee without a property is £75.