Dowsing & Healing with Sandra Kendrew
Re-write your life script - Stop being a victim!
With my Dowsing courses, you will be shown how to re -create the way to live and be more positive, stress free and live in harmony.
I run regular Courses in Dowsing as well as House Healing and Personal Life Transformation, in groups or on a one-to-one basis.
Details of all current courses are provided below. If you are interested in attending and transforming your life, please contact me. I will add you to my mailing list, so you will be kept informed on the latest schedule of courses.
Transformation Through Dowsing
Heal Yourself & Your Home. Understand the Energies Around You
Introduction to Dowsing.
Connect with Your Inner self
Check the Health of Your Aura, Chakras etc
Find vit/min deficiencies, allergies, remedies, missing objects
Learn How To Dowse With Pendulums & L Rods
Dowsing for Geopathic Stress in the Home
Understand and detect non beneficial energies within a property that can lower the immune system & contribute to ill health.
Map Dowsing
Dowse for Geopathic/Geomagnetic/Geopsychic Stress