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Products & Links


Details about House Healer Products plus links to other web sites that you may find interesting. Please note: The links are provided are independent web sites and I have no control over their content.

Earthing - what doctors don't tell you

The Body Electric - Is earthing the missing link to beat disease? Cable TV engineer Clinton Ober was sitting on a park bench when he had a ‘eureka’ moment that he now believes is “the most important health discovery ever”. Read more: click here to visit BioEnergyProducts

The Natural Choice - Integrated Healthcare Solutions

Dr Hulda Clark's Parasite Cleanse - probably the best known naturopathic cleanse. Purchase direct from 'The Natural Choice', using the following link: The Natural Choice - Parasite Cleanse

The Natural Choice - Integrated Healthcare Solutions

Dr Hulda Clark’s Zapper frequency device has become widely used and is an integrated part of her holistic protocol. The VariZapper is the latest, most innovative Zapper on the market, bringing continuous improvement while being true to its orgins. Purchase direct from 'The Natural Choice', using this link: The Natural Choice - VariZapper

Imperfectly Natural - Janey Lee Grace

'Your Natural Alternative to Everything': the website of Radio 2's Janey Lee Grace. Janey's site is constantly updated with tried and tested, high quality natural products, often long before they hit the 'mainstream' media. Check out 'Janey Loves' for her 'best of the best' personal recommendations (including your very own House Healer!)

The British Society of Dowsers

The British Society of Dowsers is a Registered Charity, founded in 1933 to promote dowsing in the British Isles. They host a wide variety of meetings and activities centred on this ancient art and their Journal, "Dowsing Today," is published quarterly and circulated throughout the membership.

The American Society of Dowsers

The American Society of Dowsers was founded to disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements.

The Canadian Society of Dowsers

The Canadian Society of Dowsers seeks to raise public awareness and appreciation for the art and science of dowsing, and interest more people in developing their intuitive abilities through dowsing.

The Healer Foundation

The Healer Foundation is a network of 140+ therapists covering a range of holistic therapies. Their web site contains a list of practitioners, details of therapy training courses and workshops, mind body spirit fairs and events throughout UK.

The British Complementary Medicine Association

The British Complementary Medicine Association is a non profit making organisation which acts as an umbrella group for recognised therapies. It provides support for therapists and guidance on training programmes and promotes complementary medicine in UK. The BCMA is active in its support for voluntary self regulation of therapies in UK.

The Caduceus or Wand of Hermes

The Caduceus or Wand of Hermes is an ancient symbol, often used as the symbol for medicine, especially in North America. You can read more about it on Wikipedia's web site, using the following link. Wikipedia article

History of Dowsing

History of Dowsing. There is a brief, interesting article on dowsing, published on a page of the BBC web site. It traces references to dowsing from the times of the early Egyptians and later Romans, to the attitude of the Church in the middle ages, and is an interesting read. See:

What is dowsing?

There is another interesting article about dowsing today written by Lloyd Youngblood from the American Society of Dowsers and published on an holistic web site:

Mobile phone masts and cancer

This article examines the link between cancer clusters and mobile phone masts - and how one charity is fighting the spread of masts which are now being located in infant and junior schools. Thoughtful article.

Viking Z

Edmund Meadow's interesting web site covers Remote Viewing, Psychic Self-Defence & Remote Psychotherapy and related topics. There are also links to many other dowsing sites:

Greenways Feng Shui

Feng shui for home, office, business, shops, hotels and premises. Feng shui in Manchester, Lancashire, Preston, North West England, Yorkshire.

The Orange Tree

Therapy weekends at The Orange Tree: Weekend holiday breaks, therapy taster sessions, spa breaks in Yorkshire Dales at The Orange Tree, Rosedale, North Yorkshire.

Mike Robinson

No.1 best selling author, Mike Robinson is an inspirational leader in his field of integrating all aspects of living as one, creating balance within the prime areas of a person's life Mike's book, the True Dynamics of Life, is a powerful, dynamic culmination of his understanding of life and its hidden spiritual elements, which has created all material existence.

Abaca Organic

Handmade organic natural latex mattresses, being metal free, hypoallergenic, dust mite resistant, and suitable for electrosensitive people.

Bloch Healing

Peter Bloch is a teacher and healer of more than 25 years experience, based in Wilmslow, Cheshire. Bloch healing is a unique person-centred, evidence-based form of hands on healing addressing the underlying causes of many health problems.


 "We are indebted to Sandra for her special healing work. At our lowest point we were unable to sleep in our house, our relationship was endangered, our health very poor and our financial situation seemed truly hopeless. Sandra did healing work for ourselves and our house and we noticed the improvements immediately. Sandra's advice is simple and yet extremely effective if taken seriously. All aspects of her help have proven of long-term value, and when we recently asked for Sandra's assistance in enabling a harmonious sale of our house, we were delighted to be able to sign the contract within 4 weeks of her work. We can wholeheartedly recommend Sandra's healing work!"

-Mr & Mrs Lauren, Germany


Read more testimonials for Sandra - click here


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